To answer these type of question, you need to answer carefully. Saying too much or saying too little will hurt your chances of getting the job. Below are few points that you can include in your answer.
For the strengths you can include below points:
- While completing any project, instead of trying to meet the deadline, I always try to complete it at-least 2 days before and also meet all the code guidelines that has been given by the client. Commit with less bugs.
- I am excellent in organizing and pre-planning.
- Excellent in communicating with clients
- Straight forward while communicating about work and stay to the point without diverting from the topic.
For weakness you can say the following things:
- Mention a point that earlier was your weakness, but you worked hard to improve and now it’s no longer your weakness.
Note that your answer should be relevant to the interview.
For example, you had stage fear while giving presentation, and how you overcame it.
- Don’t say anything about your current weakness.