Shell Scripting Tutorial: Special Operators
In this chapter we shall know about some special operators, which makes shell script powerful while writing and executing the scripts. 4.1.…
Shell Scripting Tutorial: Shell Script reading from user input and passing arguments to bash script.
To read an input from the user, use the “read” command. The read command will take the input from the user and assigns to a…
Shell Scripting Tutorial: Shell Script Variables
In shell script there is no need to declare a variable before using it. A variable is a name given to memory location, which is used to store…
Shell Scripting Tutorial: Introduction to shell script
In this introduction chapter, we shall look at below topics 1.1 Now what is a shell script? 1.2 what are the uses of shell script? 1.3 How to…
C++ 11 feature: Initializer Lists and Static Assertions
In this chapter we shall study 2 new concepts of C++. 1. Initializer List 2. Static Assertions 1. Initializer List It is used to initialize…
C++ 11 feature: Forwarding References
Forwarding Reference is a new feature in C++11. They are also called as Universal References. It means, it will binds to both lvalues and…
C++ 11 feature: Parameter Pack and Variadic Templates
Parameter Pack: Parameter pack is the new feature in C++11. “…” is the syntax to create a parameter pack or to expand one .…
C++ 11 and 14 feature lambda expression
Lambda function is used for functional programming. In this chapter we shall learn about lambda functions. Lambda expressions are used to…
C++ 11 feature: reinterpret_cast
“reinterpret_cast” has been introduced in C++ 11. This cast should be carefully used. * reinterpret_cast is used to convert one…