Searching Algorithm 1: Linear search or Sequential Search

In this chapter we shall learn about below topics:
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Understanding Linear Search with an example
1.3 Implementation of Linear Search in C
1.4 Output of the program
1.5 Time complexity of Linear Search

1.1 Introduction:

Linear search is a search algorithm, that checks for the key in a set of values one by one till it reaches the end of all the elements.

1.2 Understanding Linear Search with an example

For example:

Consider the array [14, 96, 27, 5, 48], and we need to search for the number 48. Below are the number of iterations necessary:
Consider the array given below and the key is 48.
[14, 96, 27, 5, 48]

if key == a[0]
else if key == a[1]
else if key == a[2]
else if key == a[3]
else if key == a[4]
If the key is found we shall display the index of the key, else we return key not found.
Pseudo Code:



linearSearch(arr, len, key)

	for i = 0 to n-1 
		if (arr[i] == key)
			return i
		end if
	end for

return -1; // key not found	 

1.3 Implementation of Linear Search in C


void linearSearch(int *array, int len, int key)

	int i = 0;
//Iterate one by one to find the key
	for(i = 0; i< len ; i++ )
	//check one by one if the data at the index is same as key
		if(array[i] == key) 
			printf("Key found at index = %d\n", i+1);
			return; //return statement is important. 
				//else it will continue to loop after the element is found
	printf("Not able to find key\n");


int main()
	int arr[5] = {10, 30, 48, 45, 78};

	int arrayLen = 5;

	int key = 45;

	int key_2 = 34;

//successful search
	linearSearch(arr,arrayLen, key);

//key not found case
	linearSearch(arr,arrayLen, key_2);

return 0;

1.4. Output of the program

Key found at index = 4
Not able to find key

1.5.  Time complexity of Linear Search

Time complexity is O(n).
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