You are given 2 integers, and you need to return the count at which the bits are different in their binary form.
Consider 8 and 1

As highlighted in the image, there are 2 positions where the bits are different. Hence output should be 2.
We shall solve this by bit manipulation.
Before solving the problem, we need to understand 2 concepts
1. XOR
2. Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm
1. XOR
The truth table of xor is as below:

As you can see that XOR returns true if 2 bits are different. When 2 bits are same it will return 0. This is what we need for our solution.
Now that when we XOR 2 numbers, we get numbers of set bits that are different in their binary form.
Now we need to calculate/count the number of set bits.
This can be achieved by using Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm.
This algorithm works on below 2 steps:
1. Subtract 1 from the number will flip all the rightmost set bit.
2. and using bitwise & operator with (n) &(n-1) will remove the rightmost set bit from n.
i.e consider 10 in binary is 1 0 1 0
subtract -1
Result = 1001 i.e 9.
When we do (1010 & 1001) we get 1000.
Similarly, we continue like this till we get the count of set bits of number 10.
Method 2:
We can also solve this problem with help of library function available in C++ as below:
Solution in C++
using namespace std;
int hamming_distance_xor(int x, int y)
int count = 0, n = x ^ y;
while (n) {
n &= n - 1;
return count;
int hamming_distance_library(int x, int y)
return bitset<32>(x^y).count();
int main()
int num_1 = 8;
int num_2 = 1;
cout<<"Hamming distance using xor is = "<<hamming_distance_xor(num_1, num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"Hamming distance using library function is = "<<hamming_distance_library(num_1, num_2)<<endl;