Given an unsorted array, and a key. Find 2 elements such that the difference between the elements is equal to the key.


{4, 2, 5, 8, 21, 34, 10} key = 24


Pair found (34, 10).
This problem can be solved in 2 ways.

Solution 1: Brute force method.


Step 1: Take 2 loops, outer loop and an inner loop.
Step 2: The element from outer loop will pick every other element in the inner loop and checks if the difference matches or not.
Time complexity will be O( n ^2 ).


Input {4, 2, 34, 10} key = 24
Pass 1:
	4 – 2 or 4 – 2 == 24? No
	4 – 34  or 34 – 4 == 24? No
	4 – 10 or 10 -4 == 24? No
Pass 2:
	2 - 4 or 4 – 2 == 24? No
	2 – 34 or 34 – 2 == 24? No
	2 – 10 or 10 – 2 == 24 ? No
Pass 3:
	34 – 10 or 10 - 34 == 24 ? Yes. Return the elements. 

Solution 1 in c:


void findElementsWithKeyDifference(int arr[], int length, int key)
	int outer_loop = 0;
	int inner_loop = 0;
	int diff = 0;

	for(outer_loop = 0; outer_loop < length; outer_loop ++)
		for(inner_loop = outer_loop+1; inner_loop < length; inner_loop++)

	   		if( (arr[inner_loop] -  arr[outer_loop] )== key ||  (arr[outer_loop] -  arr[inner_loop]) == key)
	   			printf("Elements found %d and %d\n", arr[outer_loop], arr[inner_loop] );
	   			return ;


	printf("Elements not found" );

int main()
	int arr [100] = {4, 2, 5, 8, 21, 34, 10};
	int key = 24;
	int length = 7;

	findElementsWithKeyDifference(arr, length, key);



Elements found 34 and 10

Solution 2: Sort the array and then find the elements are present or not.

Step 1: Sort the array in ascending order.
Step 2: Take 2 variables “i” and “j” initialize “ i = 0” and “j = 1”
Step 3:
	Inside while loop,
		Check if a[j] – a[i] == key
			If true return
			If a[j] – a[i] < key
				Increment j
				Increment i
	Loop until “i” and “j” value is less than array length.
Here the time complexity for the second step will be O ( n );

Solution 2 in c:


void swap (int *num_1, int *num_2)
	int temp = *num_1;
	*num_1 = *num_2;
	*num_2 = temp;

void bubble_sort (int array[], int length)
	int outer_loop = 0;
	int inner_loop = 0;

	for(outer_loop = 0; outer_loop < length - 1; outer_loop ++)
		for(inner_loop = 0; inner_loop < length - outer_loop - 1 ; inner_loop ++)
			if(array [inner_loop] > array[inner_loop+1]) 
				swap(&array[inner_loop], &array [inner_loop+1]);

void findElementsWithKeyDifference(int arr[], int length, int key)
	int i = 0;
	int j = 1;

	while(i < length && j < length)
		if(i != j && arr [j] - arr[i] == key)
			printf("Elements found %d and %d\n", arr[i], arr[j] );
	   		return ;

		else if (arr [j] - arr[i] < key)


	printf("Elements not found" );

int main()
	int arr [100] = {4, 2, 5, 8, 21, 34, 10};
	int key = 24;
	int length = 7;

	bubble_sort (arr, length);
	findElementsWithKeyDifference(arr, length, key);



Elements found 10 and 34
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