Given an array, find the majority element, solution in C++

A majority element, is an element that is repeated more than half of the times.


[1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5]

Output: 4.

Total number of elements are 9, and 4 is repeated 5 times. It has repeated more than half of the times.

We can solve this problem by using Moore Voting Algorithm. This algorithm will work if there is a majority element. If there is no majority element you will get a wrong result.

Below is how the algorithm works:

1. Consider first element as a majority_element, and use a count variable to increment every time we encounter that variable.
2. Decrement the counter, if the variable at the current index is different than the majority_element.
3. If the counter hits 0, consider the current element as majority element and continue through the array.
4. At the end, the number saved in “majority_element” is the result.
5. This will work on unsorted array also.

In the solution, I have given debug statements, so that you can understand the exact flow.

Solution in C++


using namespace std;

int majority_element_moore_voting_algorithm(vector<int> &num) 

	int major=num[0];
	int count = 1;

	cout<<"============start debugging============"<<endl;
	cout<<"Step 1: majority element = "<<major<<" count = "<<count<<endl;
	for(int i=1; i<num.size();i++)
	cout<<"Step 2: majority element = "<<major<<" count = "<<count<<" num = "<<num[i]<<endl;


	cout<<"Step 3: majority element = "<<major<<" count = "<<count<<" num = "<<num[i]<<endl;

		else if(major==num[i])
	cout<<"Step 4: majority element = "<<major<<" count = "<<count<<" num = "<<num[i]<<endl;

	cout<<"Step 5: majority element = "<<major<<" count = "<<count<<" num = "<<num[i]<<endl;


	cout<<"============end debugging============"<<endl;

	return major;

int main()
	vector<int> number = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6};
	int majority_element = majority_element_moore_voting_algorithm(number);
	cout<<"The majority element is "<<majority_element<<endl;

	return 0;


============start debugging============
Step 1: majority element = 1 count = 1
Step 2: majority element = 1 count = 1 num = 2
Step 5: majority element = 1 count = 0 num = 2
Step 2: majority element = 1 count = 0 num = 3
Step 3: majority element = 3 count = 1 num = 3
Step 2: majority element = 3 count = 1 num = 4
Step 5: majority element = 3 count = 0 num = 4
Step 2: majority element = 3 count = 0 num = 5
Step 3: majority element = 5 count = 1 num = 5
Step 2: majority element = 5 count = 1 num = 5
Step 4: majority element = 5 count = 2 num = 5
Step 2: majority element = 5 count = 2 num = 5
Step 4: majority element = 5 count = 3 num = 5
Step 2: majority element = 5 count = 3 num = 5
Step 4: majority element = 5 count = 4 num = 5
Step 2: majority element = 5 count = 4 num = 5
Step 4: majority element = 5 count = 5 num = 5
Step 2: majority element = 5 count = 5 num = 5
Step 4: majority element = 5 count = 6 num = 5
Step 2: majority element = 5 count = 6 num = 6
Step 5: majority element = 5 count = 5 num = 6
============end debugging============
The majority element is 5


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