Cpp Tutorial: C++ Inheritance

1. Introduction
2. Deriving by different access specifiers:
3. C++ Base class Pointer and Derived class pointer.
4. Virtual Base Class
5. Constructor and Destructor calls in Inheritance
6. Constructor and Destructor calls in Multiple Inheritance
7. Pointers and Inheritance

1. Introduction

Inheritance is a way of creating new class with the help of existing class.
The existing class is called as base class [parent class, super class], new class is called as inherited class [child class, sub class, derived class].
The new derived class can have it’s own data members and member functions along with some of the data members and member functions of the base class.
class <DerivedCalssName> : <accessSpecifier> <BaseClassName>

The size of the derived class will always be equall to or greater then base class.
Derived class can only access the public or protected members of the base class. Private data members will be inherited but cannot be used.


using namespace std;

class A
	int a;
	void display()
	cout<<"This is display from A class"<<endl;

class B :public A
	int b;
	void display()
	cout<<"This is display from B class"<<endl;

int main()

A a1;

a1.display(); // "A" class display()

B b1;

b1.display(); // "B" class display function.

cout<<"Size of object of A class " << sizeof(a1)<<endl;
cout<<"Size of object of B class " << sizeof(b1)<<endl;



This is display from A class
This is display from B class
Size of object of A class 4
Size of object of B class 8

2. Deriving by different access specifiers:

There are 3 types of access specifiers that can be used to derive.
1. public
2. private
3. protected

Deriving using public access specifier:

1. Public members of base class will be public members of derived class.
2. Protected members of base class will be protected members of derived class.
3. Private members of the base class are not accessable to derived class. Hence are not inherited.


class DerivedClass : public BaseClass

Deriving using protected access specifier:

1. Public members of base class will be protected members of derived class.
2. Protected members of base class will be protected members of derived class.
3. Private members of the base class are not accessable to derived class. Hence are not inherited.


class DerivedClass : protected BaseClass

Deriving using private access specifier:

1. Public members of base class will be private members of derived class.
2. Protected members of base class will be private members of derived class.
3. Private members of the base class are not accessable to derived class. Hence are not inherited.


class DerivedClass : private BaseClass

3. C++ Base class Pointer and Derived class pointer.

Base class pointer:
The base class pointer can store the address of a derived class. This is valid because, the derived class object will he having the members of the base class.
Hence when the pointer of base class can access it’s members. However, in this situation, the pointer will not be able to access derived class members. As the base class pointer will not be having any information about the members of derived class.
using namespace std;

class Base
	int a;
	void display()

	  cout<<"This is base class show()"<<endl;

class Derived : public Base
	int b;
	void display()

	  cout<<"This is derived class show()"<<endl;

int main()

Base *b1;

Derived der;

b1 = &der;

// b1->b; // error member b is not found in Base class

return 0;


This is base class show()

Derived Class Pointer:

The derived class pointer cannot hold the address of base class object. Because, the derived class pointer is supposed to access all the members of both base class and derived class.
By making derived class pointer to hold the address of base class, it cannot access the derived class members. Hence the compiler will throw an error.


same as above program, we do a slight change in main()
int main()
	Base b1;

	Derived *der;

	der= &b1; //error


4. Virtual Base Class

Before going to “virtual base class”, we shall look why we need this. We shall cover types of inheritance in next chapter, but for now, there is a concept of multipath inheritance.
From the above example we can see that, Class B is inheriting Class A, Class C is also inheriting Class A. And Class D is inheriting both B and C. Hence here Class A will be inherited twice. Hence when we try to access Class A variable we get the below error:
error: non-static member 'a' found in multiple base-class subobjects of type 'A':
    class D -> class B -> class A
    class D -> class C -> class A
                        cout<<"The value of a "<<a;
note: member found by ambiguous name lookup
                int a;

1 error generated.

To make the compiler to inherit only once, we should make base class as “virtual” when ever it is being inherited. By making a Class virtual, compiler will take necessary steps to make sure that all the classes are inherited only once.

“virtual” is the keyword used to declare a virtual class.

* File     : virtual_base_class.cpp
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com


using namespace std;

class A
		int a;

class B: virtual public A
		int b;

class C: virtual public A
		int c;

class D: public B, C
		int d;
		void display()
			cout<<"The value of a "<<a;

int main()
	D d1;
When you compile the above code, no error will be shown.

5. Constructor and Destructor calls in Inheritance

During inheritance, always the base class constructor will be called, and later derived class constructor will be called.
Similarly, the destructor call will be in reverse. First derived class destructor will be called, then the base class destructor will be called.
* File     : constructor_destructor_in_inheritance.cpp
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com


using namespace std;

class A
			cout<<"Constructor of A"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of A"<<endl;

class B: public A
			cout<<"Constructor of B"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of B"<<endl;

class C: public B
			cout<<"Constructor of C"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of C"<<endl;

class D: public C
			cout<<"Constructor of D"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of D"<<endl;

int main()
	D d1;
Constructor of A
Constructor of B
Constructor of C
Constructor of D
Destructor of D
Destructor of C
Destructor of B
Destructor of A

6. Constructor and Destructor calls in Inheritance example

If a class is having multiple inheritance, then the constructor call will be according to the order of sequence.
* File     : constructor_destructor_in_inheritance.cpp
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com


using namespace std;

class A
			cout<<"Constructor of A"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of A"<<endl;

class B
			cout<<"Constructor of B"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of B"<<endl;

class C: public B, A
			cout<<"Constructor of C"<<endl;
			cout<<"Destructor of C"<<endl;
int main()
	C c1;
Constructor of B
Constructor of A
Constructor of C
Destructor of C
Destructor of A
Destructor of B

7. Pointers and Inheritance

In C++ private data members and public data members are stored in successive memory locations. Hence a pointer to public data member will give access to the private data member also.
Same holds true for derived class.
As we are storing the data in stack, the base class variable will be stored first and derived class variable will be stored next. Hence we get the address of derived class data member then using that pointer we access base private class data member. As shown in the example below:
* File     : pointers_inheritance.cpp
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com


using namespace std;
class A
	int a;

		a = 10;

class B : public A

	int b;

		b = 20;

int main()
	B b1;

//pointer to the derived class data member
	int *ptr = &b1.b;

	cout<<"The value of variable b is "<< *(ptr)<<endl;
//access the base class private variable
	ptr --;

	cout<<"The value of variable a is "<< *(ptr)<<endl;



The value of variable b is 20
The value of variable a is 10
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