Problem Statement:
You are given a binary tree, you need to convert into DLL.

In-place convert Binary Tee to a Doubly Linked List
4 <-> 5 <-> 14 <-> 10 <-> 15 <-> 20 <-> 30
In this solution we use in-order traversal of the tree.
We perform below steps:
Insert every node at the beginning of DLL.
Then reverse the LL to get the node as in the in-order traversal.
So instead of that, we can do a reverse in-order traversal.
i.e visit right child and then left child.
Solution in C++
#include <algorithm>
//visit for 450+ solved questions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
// structure to hold binary tree node
struct Node
int data;
Node *left, *right;
Node(int data)
this->data = data;
this->left = this->right = nullptr;
void convert_to_dll(Node* root, Node*& head)
if (root == NULL)
// convert right subtree recursively
convert_to_dll(root->right, head);
// insert root into DLL
root->right = head;
// change the left pointer of previous head
if (head != NULL)
head->left = root;
// change head of DLL
head = root;
// convert left subtree recursively
convert_to_dll(root->left, head);
void print_dll(Node *node)
while (node!=NULL)
cout << node->data << " ";
node = node->right;
int main()
Node* root = nullptr;
root = new Node(10);
root->left = new Node(12);
root->right = new Node(25);
root->left->left = new Node(25);
root->left->right = new Node(30);
root->right->left = new Node(35);
Node *head = nullptr;
convert_to_dll (root, head);
cout<<"DLL is = "<<endl;
return 0;
DLL is =
25 12 30 10 35 25