1. C++ qualifiers
2. C++ Operators
1. C++ qualifiers
C++ provides one of two qualifiers.
1. Volatile: When a variable is defined as volatile, then the value can be changed. By default, if you create a variable, it is declared as a “volatile” variable.
“volatile” is the keyword.
volatile int num = 10;
num = 10; //correct
2. Constant: when a variable is declared as constant, the value assigned to that variable cannot be changed.
“const” is the ketword.
const int num = 10;
num = 20; // error. as int is a constant.
2. C++ Operators
Below are the types of operators in CPP:
1. Relational Operators
2. Logical Operators
3. Arithmetic Operators
4. Bitwise Operators
5. Shift Operators
6. Unary Operators
7. Assignment Operators
1. Relational Operators:
Relational operators are used to know a relation between 2 variable. Below are the operators available.
= Checks if two values are same. If same it will return true.
!= Checks if both variables are not equall to each other. Then it will return true.
> Checks if the value of Left is greater than the value to right. Then it will return true.
< Checks if the value of Left is lesser than the value to right. Then it will return true.
>= Checks if the value of Left is greater than or euqall the value to right. Then it will return true.
<= Checks if the value of Left is lesser than or equall to the value to right. Then it will return true.
Example for relational Operators in C++
* File : Relational _operators.cpp
* Author : ajay.thousand@gmail.com
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int num_1 = 10;
int num_2 = 20;
cout<<"The result for Relational Operators will always be 0 and 1. 0 means False and 1 means true"<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " == " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 == num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " <= " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 <= num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " >= " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 >= num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " != " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 != num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " < " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 < num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " > " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 > num_2)<<endl;
return 0;
The value of 10 == 20 is = 0
The value of 10 <= 20 is = 1
The value of 10 >= 20 is = 0
The value of 10 != 20 is = 1
The value of 10 < 20 is = 1
The value of 10 > 20 is = 0
2. Logical Operators
Logical operators give the output based on the two statements. Below are the operators available:
1. && logical and operator.
If Both the statements are true, then the condition is true. If any one of the statement is false, then it will return false.
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 30;
if( c>b && c > a ) // This condition is true
2. || logical or operator.
This will return true if any one condition is satisfied.
if( a>b || c > a )
Here first condition is false, but second condition is true. As we are using “or” operator, the result is true.
3. ! logical not operator.
It will inverse the result.
if (!true) result will be false.
Example for logical operator in C++
* File : Logical_operators.cpp
* Author : ajay.thousand@gmail.com
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 30;
cout<<"The result for Logical Operators will always be 0 and 1. 0 means False and 1 means true"<<endl;
cout<<"The value of ( c > b && c > a ) is = "<<( c>b && c > a )<<endl;
cout<<"The value of ( a>b || c > a ) is = "<<( a > b || c > a )<<endl;
cout<<"The value of ( !true ) is = "<<( !true )<<endl;
cout<<"The value of ( !false ) is = "<<( !false )<<endl;
return 0;
The result for Logical Operators will always be 0 and 1. 0 means False and 1 means true
The value of ( c > b && c > a ) is = 1
The value of ( a>b || c > a ) is = 1
The value of ( !true ) is = 0
The value of ( !false ) is = 1
3. Arithmetic Operators
+ addition operator
– subtraction Operator
* Multiplication Operator
/ Division Operator
% Modulus Operator
Example for athematic operators in C++
* File : Arithmetic_operators.cpp
* Author : ajay.thousand@gmail.com
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int num_1 = 10;
int num_2 = 20;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " + " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 + num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " - " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 - num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " / " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 / num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " * " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 * num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " % " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 % num_2)<<endl;
return 0;
The value of 10 + 20 is = 30
The value of 10 - 20 is = -10
The value of 10 / 20 is = 0
The value of 10 * 20 is = 200
The value of 10 % 20 is = 10
4. Bitwise Operators
& Bitwise And
| Bitwise Or
^ Bitwise NOT
>> Bitwise Left shift
<< Bitwise Right Shift
~ Ones complement
Example for Bitwise operators in C++
* File : Bitwise_operators.cpp
* Author : ajay.thousand@gmail.com
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int num_1 = 10;
int num_2 = 20;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " & " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 & num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " | " << num_2<< " is = "<<(num_1 | num_2)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of ~ " << num_1<< " is = "<<~num_1<<endl;
cout<<"The value of " << num_1<< " << 2 is = "<< num_1<<2 <<endl;
cout<<"The value of " << num_1 << " >> 2 is = "<< (num_1>>2) <<endl;
return 0;
The value of 10 & 20 is = 0
The value of 10 | 20 is = 30
The value of ~ 10 is = -11
The value of 10 << 2 is = 102
The value of 10 >> 2 is = 2
6. Unary Operators
++Increment Operator
— Decrement Operator
Increment Operator:
There are 2 types:
1. Pre-Increment (++num). Here the value will be incremented then the value will be assigned.
2. Post-Increment (num++). Here the value will be assigned and then incremented.
3. Pre-Decrement (–num). Here the value will be decremented by one then the value will be assigned.
4. Post -Decrement (num–). Here the value will be assigned and then decremented by one.
Example for Unary Operators in C++
* File : Unary_operators.cpp
* Author : ajay.thousand@gmail.com
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int num_1 = 1;
int num_2 = 1;
int num_3 = 1;
int num_4 = 1;
cout<<"The value of num_1++ is = "<< num_1++<<endl;
cout<<"The value of num_2-- is = "<< num_2--<<endl;
cout<<"The value of ++num_3 is = "<< ++num_3<<endl;
cout<<"The value of --num_4 is = "<< --num_4<<endl;
return 0;
The value of num_1++ is = 1
The value of num_2-- is = 1
The value of ++num_3 is = 2
The value of --num_4 is = 0
7. Assignment Operators
= Equal to operator
+= Add and assign operator
-= Subtract and assign operator
*= Multiply and assign operator
/= Divide and assign operator
<<= Left shift and assign operator
>>= Right Shift and assign operator
&= “Bitwise And” and assign operator
|= Bitwise Or and assign operator
^= Bitwise exclusive or and assign operator
Example for Assignment Operators in C++
* File : Relational _operators.cpp
* Author : ajay.thousand@gmail.com
* Copyright: @ prodevelopertutorial.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int num_1 = 10;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " = " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 = 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " += " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 += 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " -= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 -= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " *= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 *= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " /= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 /= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " <<= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 <<= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " >>= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 >>= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " &= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 &= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " |= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 |= 20)<<endl;
cout<<"The value of "<<num_1 << " ^= " << 20<< " is = "<<(num_1 ^= 20)<<endl;
return 0;
The value of 10 = 20 is = 20
The value of 20 += 20 is = 40
The value of 40 -= 20 is = 20
The value of 20 *= 20 is = 400
The value of 400 /= 20 is = 20
The value of 20 <<= 20 is = 20971520
The value of 20971520 >>= 20 is = 20
The value of 20 &= 20 is = 20
The value of 20 |= 20 is = 20
The value of 20 ^= 20 is = 0