Problem Statement:
You are given BST root and a key, find the inorder predecessor and successor for that key.
If the key is not found, then you need to return the 2 values in which the key lies.
If the root is NULL then return.
If the key is found then if the left subtree is not NULL, then the predecessor will be the right most child of the left subtree or the left child itself.
If the key is found then if the right subtree is not NULL, then the successor will be the left most child of the right subtree or the right child itself.
If the key is smaller then root node, then,
set the successor as root search recursively into left subtree.
set the predecessor as root search recursively into right subtree.
Solution in C++
using namespace std;
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *left, *right;
void get_pre_succ(Node* root, Node*& pre, Node*& suc, int key)
if (root == NULL) return ;
if (root->data == key)
if (root->left != NULL)
Node* tmp = root->left;
while (tmp->right)
tmp = tmp->right;
pre = tmp ;
if (root->right != NULL)
Node* tmp = root->right ;
while (tmp->left)
tmp = tmp->left ;
suc = tmp ;
return ;
if (root->data > key)
suc = root ;
get_pre_succ(root->left, pre, suc, key) ;
pre = root ;
get_pre_succ(root->right, pre, suc, key) ;
Node *get_new_node(int item)
Node *temp = new Node;
temp->data = item;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
Node* insert_into_bst(Node* node, int key)
if (node == NULL) return get_new_node(key);
if (key < node->data)
node->left = insert_into_bst(node->left, key);
node->right = insert_into_bst(node->right, key);
return node;
int main()
int key = 6;
/ \
3 7
/ \ / \
2 4 6 8 */
Node *root = NULL;
root = insert_into_bst(root, 5);
insert_into_bst(root, 3);
insert_into_bst(root, 2);
insert_into_bst(root, 4);
insert_into_bst(root, 7);
insert_into_bst(root, 6);
insert_into_bst(root, 8);
Node *pre = NULL, *suc = NULL;
get_pre_succ(root, pre, suc, key);
if (pre != NULL)
cout << "Predecessor is " << pre->data << endl;
cout << "No Predecessor";
if (suc != NULL)
cout << "Successor is " << suc->data;
cout << "No Successor";
return 0;
Predecessor is 5
Successor is 7