ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Find the median of 2 sorted arrays of same size Problem Statement: You are given 2 sorted arrays of same size. You need to obtain the median (middle) of the array. But first, what is a…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Get minimum number of merge operations to make an array palindrome Problem Statement: You are given an array, you need to find the minimum number of merge operations to be performed to make the array as a…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Minimum swaps required to bring all elements less than or equal to k together Problem Statement: You are given an array and a number K. You need to find the minimum number of swaps to bring all the numbers less than…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Three way partitioning of an array around a given range Problem Statement: Given an array and 2 values [a, b], you need to create a partition such that: 1. Elements of the first partition will be…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Find a triplet that sum to a given value Problem Statement: Given an unsorted array and a key, you need to find 3 elements in the array that is equal to the key. Example: arr = {2, 1,…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Find whether an array is subset of another array Problem Statement: Given 2 arrays, check if arr2 is a subset of arr1. Consider all the elements are distinct and both the arrays are not…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Rearrange the array with one positive and one negative number. Problem Statement: Given an unsorted array with combination of positive and negative integers. you need to re arrange them in one positive and…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Find common element in 3 sorted arrays. Problem Statement: Given 3 sorted arrays, you need to find all the common elements in all the 3 elements. arr1 = 1 3 5 7 9 arr2 = 2 3 6 7 9…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Inversion Count in an Array Problem Statement: You are given an unsorted array, you need to return the inversion count. Inversion count is the number of swaps required to…
ProDeveloperTutorialonJanuary 17, 2025 Arrays: Merge Two Sorted arrays without using extra space You are given 2 sorted arrays, merge and sort the two arrays in such a way that the initial numbers are in the first array other will be in…