1. Structure Introduction
2. Declaration and initialization of structure
3. Size of a structure.
4. Bit fields
5. Structure padding
6. Structure with in a structure
7. Array of Structure
8. Pointer to structure
9. Structure and functions
10. Typedef
11. Unions
12. Enums
1. Structure Introduction:
Structure is a user defined data type. It is made with the combination of pre-defined data types and packed in to a different data type, name given by the programmer. “struct” is the keyword used to define a structure.
Use Case: For example, to store the information of student such as name, age, student id, class, marks different data types are needed. At this point we define a structure and use it.
2. Declaration and initialization of structure
A structure can be declared as shown below.
struct <structure_name>
data-type variable_name_1;
data-type variable_name_2;
“struct” keyword is used to create a structure. At the end of the structure semi-colon should be used to indicate end of structure. The variables inside a structure are called as members of structure.
struct student_details
int roll_no;
char name [20];
Initialization of a structure:
Below is the syntax on how to initialize a structure:
struct <structure_name> <structure_variable_name>
struct student_details details;
Accessing structure members:
Once you initialized a structure, the members can be accessed by using dot “.” Operator. In further topic we shall see how to access using arrow (->) operator.
Example of structure creation, initialization and accessing the members of structure:
Note: A structure be created inside a function.
3. Size of structure
The size of a structure is the sum of all the members of the structure and also their placement order.
Example 1. Size of structure when all the members type is same.
struct example_1
int num_1;
char c;
int num_2;
struct example_2
int num_1;
int num_2;
int main()
struct example_1 ex_1;
struct example_2 ex_2;
printf("The size of structure 1 is %d\n", sizeof(ex_1) );
printf("The size of structure 2 is %d\n", sizeof(ex_2) );
return 0;
The size of structure 1 is 12
The size of structure 2 is 8
Form the above output we can see that, in the first structure, even though the result should be [4 + 1 + 4] = 9, it is 12. Compiler has added extra 3 bytes after char. Making it easier to read.
The above behavior is called as structure padding. This topic is described below.
The above behavior is called as structure padding. This topic is described below.
4. Bit fields
Bit fields are used to provide exact amount of space for a variable. For example, if a variable is holding the value 0 or 1, 1 bit is enough to store the value. If a variable is holding the value between 0 to 3, then 2 bits are enough to hold the value. Hence we use bit fields in those cases. Thus saving memory space.
Example program to show bit fields working and the structure size.
struct example_1
unsigned num_1 : 1;
unsigned num_2 : 1;
struct example_2
int num_1;
int num_2;
int main()
struct example_1 ex_1;
struct example_2 ex_2;
printf("The size of structure 1 is %d\n", sizeof(ex_1) );
printf("The size of structure 2 is %d\n", sizeof(ex_2) );
return 0;
The size of structure 1 is 4
The size of structure 2 is 8
Here we see that structure 1 is occupying 4 bytes, that is because by default it will take the size of a word i.e. 4 bytes. But only 2 bytes will be in use.
5. Structure padding
Compiler aligned the data in memory so that it can read one word [4 bytes] at a time. This is done by inserting empty space between uneven data type. This helps to increase the efficiency of the compiler. Padding is on by default.
Example to show structure padding.
Structure padding can be turned off, this concept is called a packing. In GCC it can be turned off by adding “__attribute__((__packed__))” while creating the structure.
Example to show structure packing:
struct example_1
int num_1;
char c;
int num_2;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) example_2
int num_1;
char c;
int num_2;
int main()
struct example_1 ex_1;
struct example_2 ex_2;
printf("The size of structure 1 is %d\n", sizeof(ex_1) );
printf("The size of structure 2 is %d\n", sizeof(ex_2) );
return 0;
The size of structure 1 is 12
The size of structure 2 is 9
The structure 2 is switched off the structure padding.
6. Structure with in a structure
As we know that a structure is a user defined data type. Hence different structure can be a member of another structure. This concept is called as structure within a structure.
Example of structure with in a structure.
struct time
int hour;
int minute;
struct bike
int bike_number;
struct time start_time;
struct time end_time;
int main()
struct bike b1;
b1.bike_number = 10345;
b1.start_time.hour = 9;
b1.start_time.minute = 45;
b1.end_time.hour = 12;
b1.end_time.minute = 43;
printf("The bike number is %d\n",b1.bike_number );
printf("The bike started at %d hour\n", b1.start_time.hour);
printf("The bike started at %d minute\n", b1.start_time.minute);
printf("The bike ended at %d hour\n", b1.end_time.hour);
printf("The bike ended at %d minute\n", b1.end_time.minute);
return 0;
The bike number is 10345
The bike started at 9 hour
The bike started at 45 minute
The bike ended at 12 hour
The bike ended at 43 minute
7. Array of Structure
Similar like arrays of predefined data types, we can also create structure arrays. And the structure members can be accessed by index of that array.
struct student
int marks;
int rollNo;
int main()
struct student stud[5]; // created of 5 structure
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
//insert the data
stud[i].marks = 90 + i;
stud[i].rollNo = i;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
//display the data
printf("The student roll no is %d, his marks is %d\n", stud[i].rollNo, stud[i].marks );
return 0;
The student roll no is 0, his marks is 90
The student roll no is 1, his marks is 91
The student roll no is 2, his marks is 92
The student roll no is 3, his marks is 93
The student roll no is 4, his marks is 94
8. Pointer to structure
As you know that a pointer is a variable that holds the address of another variable, we can create a pointer variable of structure type and make it hold the address of another structure variable. Such a pointer is called as structure pointers.
Example to show simple structure pointer:
struct student
int marks;
int rollNo;
int main()
struct student stud;
struct student *stud_ptr = &stud;
stud_ptr->marks = 100;
stud_ptr->rollNo = 38;
printf("The roll number of the student is %d, marks is %d\n",stud_ptr->rollNo, stud_ptr->marks );
return 0;
The roll number of the student is 38, marks is 100
9. Structure and functions
Like normal variable, the structure variables can also be passed to a function by value or by address.
struct book
char bookName[10];
int price;
int bookID;
}bookObj ;
void main()
display( &bookObj);
void display(struct book *bookObj)
Example of a function accepting structure object as its parameter.
10. Typedef
Typedef is used to give a data type a new name. This can be used with primitive data types and also with user defined data types like structures and unions.
typedef <data_type_name> <new_name>;
typedef int MyInt;
Note: Semicolon is important at the end.
Example to show typedef for structures.
typedef struct student
int marks;
int rollNo;
int main()
// so instead of declaring the structure variable as "struct student"
// we can directly use "student" as shown below
student stud;
return 0;
11. Unions
Like structures, Union is also a user defined data type. It can also hold different types of data types. But the size of the union is equal to the largest data type size.
Union can hold only one object at a time, hence the size is equal to largest data type.
Example to show the size of union
union example
int num;
char ch;
struct example_with_union
int num;
union example ex;
int main()
union example unionEx;
struct example_with_union structEx;
printf("The size of union is %d\n",sizeof(unionEx) );
printf("The size of struct is %d\n",sizeof(structEx) );
The size of union is 4
The size of struct is 8
From the above, we can confirm that union can hold only 1 data and the size is equal to the largest size of the variable.
12. Enums
“enum” is the keyword used to define enumerated data type. If you want the user to restrict the number of choice that he can add to a variable, then the programmer can create a enum data type.
enum week {Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun }
Hence when you create a variable of type enum, you have to assign only those values that are defined in that variable.
enum week day = Wed; // correct
enum week day = Jan; // Wrong, because “Jan” is not defined in enum.
In enum, the constants for the values starts from 0, and incremented by 1 in subsequent values. This can be changed by adding values manually.
Example: Example for enum and changing the default value:
enum week {Mon, Tues, Wed = 10, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun};
int main()
enum week day = Mon;
printf("The initial value of Monday = %d\n", Mon );
printf("The value of Tuesday is = %d\n", Tues );
printf("The value of Wednesday = %d. This is because we have changed the value of Wednesday\n", Wed );
printf("The value of Thursday = %d\n", Thurs );
The initial value of Monday = 0
The value of Tuesday is = 1
The value of Wednesday = 10. This is because we have changed the value of Wednesday
The value of Thursday = 11