Strings: Check if it is possible to re-arrange characters in a string, such a way that no two adjacent are same

Problem Statement:

You are given a string, you need to check if ti is possible to rearrange the string such that no two adjacent characters are same.


Input: aab
Output: Yes

You can swap the string to “aba”. So no 2 adjacent characters are same.


The solution is very simple.
We need to get the character that has max repeat frequency.
Let it be max.
Then we check if max <= n-max+1, where n is the length of the string.
If it satisfies this condition, then return 1.

Solution in C++

#include <vector>    
#include <algorithm>  
//visit for 450+ solved questions  
#include <iostream>    
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>

using namespace std;

int check_if_possible(string str) 
    // to store the frequency of each character
    unordered_map<char, int> freq; 
    int max_freq = 0;  

    for (int j = 0; j < (str.length()); j++) 
        if (freq[str[j]] > max_freq)
            max_freq = freq[str[j]]; 
    if (max_freq <= (str.length() - max_freq + 1)) 
        return true; 
    return false; 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    string str = "aab"; 
    if (check_if_possible(str)) 
        cout << "1"; 
        cout << "0"; 
    return 0; 


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