Sorting algorithm 6: Pigeonhole Sort

In this chapter we shall learn about below topics:
6.1 Definition
6.2 Steps for performing Pigeonhole Sort
6.3 Understanding Pigeonhole Sort with an example
6.4 Implementation of Pigeonhole Sort in C
6.5 Output of the program
6.6 Time complexity analysis of Pigeonhole Sort

6.1 Definition

Pigeonhole sort is an interesting algorithm that works on integer numbers not floating value.
It works best when all the keys [elements in array] are unique.

6.2 Steps for performing Pigeonhole Sort

We create a separate array or “pigeonholes” of “range” size that is taken by subtracting Maximum value of the array with the minimum value.
Hence we shall be sure that other elements inside the array fall under Max and Min value.
Then we shall place the elements from the original array, into the pigeonhole array at the index by using the result from “original_array[i] – Min_element”.
At the end we shall copy the elements from the pigeonhole array to original array.

6.3 Understanding Pigeonhole Sort with an example

We take below variables:
Original_array: Has original unsorted array
Min_value: Has the minimum element of the array.
Max_value: Has the maximum element of the array.
Range = [Max_value – Min_value ] + 1
PigeonHole_array: PigeonHole array having “range” of spaces.
Suppose we have the array [8, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
Max = 8
Min = 1
Range = [ 8 - 1] + 1 = 8 Holes.
pigeonholeArray [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Pass 1:
i = 0

index = a[0] - Min_value + 1

 = 8 - 1 + 1


Hence place the element of a[0] in pigeonholeArray index 8
pigeonholeArray [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8]
Pass 2:
i = 1

index = a[1] - Min_value + 1

 = 5 - 1 + 1


Hence place the element of a[1] in pigeonholeArray index 5
pigeonholeArray [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 8]
Pass 3:
i = 2

pigeonholeArray [0, 0, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 8]
Pass 4:
i = 3

pigeonholeArray [0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 8]
Pass 5:
i = 4

pigeonholeArray [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 8]
Pass 6:
i = 5

pigeonholeArray [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 8]
at the end copy the elements from the “pigeonhole Array” to original array, whose value is greater than 0. Final resulting array will be a sorted one.
Final array[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8]

6.4 Implementation of Pigeonhole Sort in C

#define MAX_ELEMENTS	100

void pigeonHoleSort (int arr[], int length)

	int pigeonHoleArray[ MAX_ELEMENTS ] = {0};
	int *temp_array = arr;

	int max_element = 0;
	int min_element = 0;

	int itr;

	int range = 0;

// Get the min_element and max_element from the given array
	for (itr = 0; itr < length; itr ++)
		if (arr[itr] < min_element)
			min_element = arr[itr];

		if (arr[itr] > max_element)
			max_element = arr[itr];

// Get the range
	range = ( max_element - min_element ) + 1;

// Initialize the pigeonHoleArray with zero
	for ( itr = 0; itr < range; itr++)
		pigeonHoleArray [itr] = 0;

// place the elements in pigeonHoleArray
	for ( itr = 0; itr < length; itr++, temp_array++)
		pigeonHoleArray [ *temp_array - min_element ] += 1;

// copy from pigeonHoleArray to original array
    for (itr = 0, temp_array = &arr[0]; itr < range; itr++)
        while (pigeonHoleArray[itr] > 0)
            *temp_array++ = itr + min_element;        


void printArray(int arr[] , int length)
	int itr = 0;

	printf("The sorted array is \n");

	for (itr = 0; itr < length; itr++)
		printf("%d", arr[itr] );


int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	int arr [ MAX_ELEMENTS ] = {0};
	int length = 0;

	int itr = 0;

	printf("Enter number of elements of the array \n");
	scanf ("%d", &length);

	printf("Enter the elements\n");
	for (itr = 0; itr < length; itr++)
		scanf("%d", &arr[itr] );

	pigeonHoleSort(arr, length);

	printArray(arr, length);
	return 0;

6.5  Output of the program

Enter number of elements of the array

Enter the elements

The sorted array is
Output 2:
Enter number of elements of the array

Enter the elements

The sorted array is

6.6 Time complexity analysis of Pigeonhole Sort

In the worst case, the time taken will be n+2^k.
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